I researched literally hundreds of online websites and remedies. I was more than desperate and clutched at every straw I could find. I spent thousands of dollars going to hypnotherapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, bowen therapists, naturopaths, and about six other therapies that I cannot remember. I prayed. I went on different diets. I detoxed. I prayed. Everything takes three months to work (apparently) and I couldnt get passed two of them before trying something else.
I cried so hard and so silently. I cried so much but would not let my wife or kids know. I learnt how to cry without showing it in my face. Tinnitus was bad enough but to have my wife and kids mourn and grieve for my pain would not help it. It would only spread it. Crying on friend's shouders is some comfort for me. it takes away the loneliness to some degree.
Many of these people I meet have learnt to habituate the tinnitus. They usually have it under control in about two years. I have always been a slow learner and poorly disciplined. I hate myself that I am still on sleeping tablets but I won't beat myself up over it too much. I suppose I have become selfish. I will spend money on myself if it will make me happy and I think "Stuff all those people who don't have tinnitus". Imagine not having tinnitus and being depressed - idiots. I am angry at people who don't have tinnitus and still think they have the right to be depressed about their lives. You don't have tinnitus so you're ok! I see that the reasoning sucks there and my tongue is in my cheek. I'm sure wheel-chaired people are amazed that fully functional walkers can get depressed about stupid things, like their favourite tv shows being cancelled (I am still upset of Angel being cancelled after its 5th season... waaahhhhhhhh).
Tinnitus... pronouced "tin I tuss" or "tin it tiss". I hate it... Ifreaking hate it when I tell a doctor I have 'tin It tuss' and they say...oh "Tinn uh tiss".... or vica versa... sheesh man... it can be pronounced eitherway... most dictionaries pronounce it "tin it us". This is my one pet hate inlife... well, one of them. That and toads... freaking toads.